


VMBO: 16th International Workshop on Value Modelling and Business Ontologies

The importance of modeling the essence of enterprises on a level that abstracts from operational details is increasingly recognized. Two established enterprise modeling approaches are value modeling and business ontology. Value modeling is a business modeling approach that focuses on the value objects exchanged in business networks. Business ontology provides abstract descriptions of enterprises in their business context, focusing on what is needed to create and transfer value. Research in these fields is conducted using instruments like the REA Ontology (Resources, Events, Agents), the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO), the Business Model Canvas, the e3value toolset, the Value Delivery Modeling Language (VDML), and the Enterprise Engineering framework.

The goal of the VMBO workshop series is two-fold. First, it aims to bring together researchers with an interest in value modeling and business ontology to present and discuss the current state of the art. Second, it aims to identify key areas for further research.

•       Link:
•       Call for papers: VMBO
•       Chairs: Paul Johannesson, Hans Weigand, and Tiago Prince Sales 

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MOBA: 2nd International Workshop on Model-driven Organizational and Business Agility

Based on the 15-years successful history of EOMAS editions, the 1st MOBA Workshop in 2021 and its cooperation with CAiSE the MOBA Workshop-2022 maintains its identity (the modelling aspect), reshaping the focus and research methods on organizational and business agility.

A generic notion of agility as a capability to rapidly response to changes and to reduce uncertainty by an increment-based way, became critically important for all stages of the life cycle of modern IT systems. Although methodological principles and practical tools of agility were adopted in practice of multiple organizations for improving their services and incremental design of better products, there is ever growing challenges that need scientific inquiry, research, and rigorous solutions.

Addressing such challenges MOBA workshop aims at growing a multi-disciplinary community of researchers and practitioners, which will consolidate their efforts in detecting, modeling, improving and disseminating best agility practices and theories. Different agility phenomena will be studied from a systemic viewpoint, distinguishing endogenous agility inside an organization and the exogenous one as business connections with external parties. Common principles of model-driven research and engineering of organizational or technical artefacts will guarantee consistency and interoperability of the results obtained.

•       Link:
•       Call for papers: MOBA
•       Chairs: Eduard Babkin, Joseph Barjis, Russell Lock, Pavel Malyzhenkov, Vojtěch Merunka, and Robert Pergl

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KET4DF: 5th International Workshop on Key Enabling Technologies for Digital Factories

The manufacturing industry is entering a new digital era in which advanced information systems and especially (big) data-driven methods and Artificial Intelligence techniques allow companies to move beyond distributed and supervisory control systems to support significant operational improvements and allow dynamic adaptability. Moreover, human-centered trustworthy AI systems provide the ability to augment human work and extend human capabilities in order to solve problems and achieve goals that were unreachable by either humans or machines alone. Such efforts may allow the manufacturing industry in the post-COVID to “go back to normal” and optimize, scale and ensure their processes and services towards a circular and resilient economy. The goal of this workshop is to attract high quality research papers focusing on advanced information systems for digital factories and smart manufacturing.

•       Link:
•       Chairs: Federica Mandreoli, Giacomo Cabri, Gregoris Mentzas, and Karl HribernikI

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ISESL: 2nd International Workshop on Information Systems Engineering for Smarter Life

Digital transformation becomes omnipresent and covers different fields of Human life. New Information and Communication technologies contribute to a Smarter Life. The holistic vision provided by approaches based on Information Systems has a particular and growing role in digitalization. The goal of the ISESL workshop is to discover this role within digitalization of various aspects of life and includes the following topics: Artificial Sentience and Artificial Intelligence, Machine consciousness, Cognitive spaces, Patient experience design and health, Point-of-care diagnosis, E-Health, Digital heritage, Sustainable development, Responsible ICT, Digital education and teaching experience design for World Wide audience, Smart Home, Smart Buildings, Smart Roads, Smart Cities, Cyber warfare, Digitalization in law enforcement, and Ethical and philosophical aspects of new technologies usage with Humans.

•       Link:
•       Call for papers: ISESL
•       Chairs: Elena Kornyshova, Eric Gressier Soudan, John Murray, and Sjaak Brinkkemper

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BC4IS: 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain for Information Systems

Blockchain technology supports the execution and storage of transactions in a decentralized, transparent and immutable fashion. Cryptocurrencies represented the first major application of blockchain. Then, the development of smart contracts has provided the opportunity to manage other types of assets and to implement business logic running on blockchain platforms. Finally, the era of broader applications of blockchain technology beyond currencies, finance and markets has emerged.

The opportunities related to the evolution of blockchain technology, along with their challenges have generated a strong and continuously growing interest from industry and academia in the engineering of blockchain-based systems, and more particularly, in the engineering of blockchain-based solutions for Business Process Management (BPM). Beside classical engineering questions, new and specific challenges arise for blockchain-based information systems, to which conceptual modeling, databases, ontology engineering, business process management and information systems communities could provide relevant answers. 

BC4IS is an academic workshop which aims to bring together researchers in these domains with business analysts, developers, managers, and consultants involved in the definition of requirements for, development, use, and evolution of blockchain-based solutions. 

•       Link:
•       Call for papers: BC4IS
•       Chairs: Victor Amaral de Sousa, Sarah Bouraga, and Corentin Burnay

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Agil-ISE: 1st International Workshop on Agile Methods for Information Systems Engineering

The practice of Information Systems Engineering (ISE) has evolved substantially as a result of the advent and increasing adoption of agile methods. These agile methods for ISE focus on continuous and iterative improvement of usable/deployable releases, often driven by the actual user/customer experience with the IS. An iteration within this development process includes requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, and customer acceptance, with the aim of continuous enhancement of the delivered features.

This workshop focuses on methods, artifacts, and techniques that are used in agile IS engineering, such as User Stories, Epics, Themes, Behavior-Driven Development, Product/Sprint Backlogs, Features, Scenarios, and Kanban. The theme we wish to discuss at the workshop is: How can agile methods, artifacts, and techniques, and their use in ISE be improved to make them more effective in supporting the Information Systems development processes and delivering high-quality systems? We intend to discuss this question primarily, but not exclusively, from the perspective of novel digital technologies and data-driven approaches (e.g., AI, NLP, ML, etc.).

•       Link:
•       Call for papers: Agil-ISE
•       Chairs: Palash Bera, Yves Wautelet, and Fabiano Dalpiaz

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SWForum and HUB4CLOUD Workshop on Engineering Green and Sustainable Software in the Computing Continuum

Paying attention to sustainability and the environmental impact of products and processes is a normal and expected part of all activities. We have seen national and international commitments around this, for example the EC and many national governments are making commitments to be ‘NetZero’ by 2050 and in many cases before then.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an area which currently has one of the largest impacts and even now produces more CO2 than the airline industry, one of the traditional high-profile emitters. This is not entirely unexpected with the pervasive nature of ICT in all parts of our professional and personal lives. As such, though, it is also an area where increases in efficiency or changes in practice could have a great impact by understanding all facets of the problem. This is especially true in the context of the new computing continuum, encompassing as it does the full ranges of devices and services from the personal and IoT, through the edge and into the cloud, as well as all of the networking systems between them. This is a significant challenge, as making these complex systems requires agreement among different actors who only have the visibility and possibility to operate on parts of the overall system. For this reason, specific attention is required of the research community to find methodologies, methods and tools to achieve real sustainability of software.

This workshop will focus on all issues concerning the engineering practices relevant to the creation and execution of green and sustainable software in the cloud continuum.

•       Link:
•       Chairs: Pierluigi Plebani, David Wallom, and Giovanni Rimassa

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