There are plenty of options for your accommodation in Leuven. Hotels, bed & breakfasts and youth hostels will all warmly welcome you to Leuven. Please find an overview of the options below.


Room allocations for CAiSE ‘22 participants have been taken in several hotels in Leuven. To see more information about these hotels and to make your reservation please click the “Book a room” button.

Payment of your accommodation is usually at the hotel. If you wish to have your room prepaid by your organisation please use the ‘Prepayment request’ option in the booking form. A credit card will be required to guarantee your room. The card will not be charged unless you cancel after the cancellation policy.

Hotel accommodation services are provided by RoomTrust on behalf of CAiSE ‘22.
Tel: +32 (0)2 353 2734


Youth Hostels & B&B’s

For budget travellers, there are 3 youth hostels in Leuven. Booking a room is possible by contacting them directly.
1. De Blauwput Leuven
2. Leuven City Hostel
3. Hostel Sint Jacob

There are also various B&B’s in Leuven. You can find an overview here: