The Conference will take place at the Maria-Theresiacollege, Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven

KU Leuven, Leuven Campus

Leuven Campus is situated in the city centre of Leuven, a dynamic, vibrant city in the centre of Belgium. The city’s beautiful, charming centre, which dates from the Middle Ages, is punctuated with stately colleges and historic buildings constructed over centuries by and for the university. Cultural and recreational opportunities abound. Leuven’s concentration of intellectual capital, its excellent infrastructure and its convenient location in the heart of Europe create an exciting and creative climate for research and innovation.

Registration: Maria-Theresiacollege (MTC 1)

Registration and Information Desk: Maria-Theresiacollege, Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven.

The main conference area: Grote Aula

Accessibility via Sint-Michielsstraat 2 (through entrance gate Collegium Veteranorum) and 6 (through entrance gate Maria-Theresiacollege), near Hogeschoolplein. Wheelchair entrance via Sint-Michielsstraat 2.

Getting Around Leuven


Cities in Belgium are well connected by train. Travel schedules and ticket formulas for traveling by train within and outside Leuven can be found here.


The bus will take you wherever you want to go in and around Leuven. For all information about timetables, bus lines, and tickets you can go to the ‘Lijnwinkel’ (in front of Leuven station) or visit the website. Timetables can also be consulted online.

  • Online information on bus lines and tickets is only available in Dutch
  • The routes of the bus lines in Leuven can easily be found on the Bicycle and Bus map (pdf)

Please note that bus company ‘De Lijn’ only travels in Flanders. Brussels (MIVB) and Wallonia (TEC) have their own bus companies. Tickets only apply to the specific company.


For distances up to 10-15 km, a bike is usually the fastest, cheapest and healthiest option. More information about renting a bike can be found here.


Everything in the centre of Leuven is within easy walking distance. Each year, Leuven welcomes many new residents. Special pedestrian signs have been developed to guide them around the city centre efficiently. These signs contain the names and descriptions of sights in four languages. Leuven also has several car-free pedestrian zones. At the Leuven Tourist Office (Naamsestraat 3) you can get city maps (free of charge) and brochures. The city map can also be found here (Dutch), and the walking map can be found here.