Doctoral Consortium: Call for Papers

The CAiSE conference series has a proud track record of running an international Doctoral Consortium affiliated with the event. The CAiSE 2022 Doctoral Consortium aims to attract PhD students working on foundations, techniques, tools and applications in the Information Systems Engineering field. At the Doctoral Consortium, the participating students will have the opportunity to present their research and to discuss it with an audience of peers and senior faculty in a supportive environment. There will also be a number of plenary sessions with senior academics tailored to the needs and interests of PhD students.

The goals of the Doctoral Consortium are to ensure that participating PhD students:

  • Receive constructive feedback and advice on their research project,
  • Meet and learn from senior academics across diverse disciplines related to the Information Systems Engineering field,
  • Interact with other PhD students and benefit from a stimulating exchange of ideas within the cohort of participants,
  • Discuss broader concerns related to a PhD study and post-PhD pathways.

To be eligible for the Doctoral Consortium, the candidate must be a current doctoral student within a recognized research institution. Ideally, candidates should have at least 12 months of work remaining before their expected completion, and at least 12 months of work already performed. However, all PhD students are eligible regardless of their doctoral stage.

Why submit to the CAiSE 2022 Doctoral Consortium?

The CAiSE 2022 Doctoral Consortium will be attended by renowned academics from the Information Systems Engineering field who will actively participate as mentors for the doctoral students presenting a paper at the Doctoral Consortium. Accepted papers will be published in the CEUR proceedings. CEUR proceedings are indexed in DBLP. Participants of the CAiSE doctoral consortium will be subsequently eligible to submit their PhD thesis (after the degree is granted) for a CAiSE PhD Award.

Submission process

Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format by the stated deadline via the EasyChair conference system (TBA). Submissions must have a single author, but the name of the supervisors should be mentioned in the paper (usually in the Acknowledgments section). All submitted materials must be in English. Attendees must have sufficient proficiency in English for being allowed to participate in the academic discussions of the consortium.

Submission guidelines

The paper must:

  • clearly formulate the research question,
  • identify a significant problem in the field of research,
  • outline the current status of the problem domain and related solutions,
  • present any preliminary ideas, the proposed approach and the results achieved so far,
  • describe the research methodology that is applied or proposed,
  • outline the contributions of the applicant’s work to the problem domain and highlight their uniqueness,
  • be conform to the CEURART template using the 1-column lay-out format (thus, NOT the Springer LNCS format and NOT in multiple column lay-outs). The most recent template (including Word and LaTeX) can be downloaded from,
  • contain up to 4,000 words (all-in).

Each submitted paper will be reviewed by two members of the Doctoral Consortium Program Committee. The main evaluation criteria are: relevance, originality, significance, technical soundness, accuracy, and clarity. Acceptance for the Doctoral Consortium is based on the evaluation criteria above.

Submissions should concern original research. Papers that have already been accepted or are currently under review for other conferences or journals will not be considered for publication.

Registration fee

The doctoral consortium is held in parallel with the main CAiSE conference on 8 June – 10 June 2022. There is no separate registration fee for participants in the doctoral consortium. Participants should register to the main conference by selecting either the “Main conference” option or another option that includes the main conference.

Questions and inquiries

Questions about eligibility and other enquiries can be sent to the CAiSE’22 Doctoral Consortium Chairs at caise22[a], or directly to Amy.VanLooy[a]


Among others:

  • Sjaak Brinkkemper, Utrecht University
  • François Charoy, Université de Lorraine
  • John Krogstie, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Massimo Mecella, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Selmin Nurcan, Université Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne
  • Oscar Pastor Lopez, Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Jolita Ralyté, University of Geneva
  • Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa
  • Jelena Zdravkovic, Stockholm University

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

Amy Van Looy, Ghent University, Belgium
Barbara WeberUniv. of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Important Dates

  • Submission: 8 March 2022 15 March 2022 (extended deadline)
  • Notification of acceptance: 8 April 2022
  • Registration: 22 April 2022
  • Camera-ready copy: 25 April 2022
  • Doctoral Consortium: 8-10 June 2022

Dates are Anywhere on Earth (AoE).