Instructions for Paper Presenters

CAiSE 2022 is only 20 days away and we are really looking forward to meeting you all again. In order to make sure that every session runs smoothly we provide you with some instructions specific for presenters:

  • All presentations are allocated a certain timeslot. For the timing or the presentations, we kindly like to refer to the conference program available via whova. The CAISE 22 website only contains a confined version. All last minute changes will also be communicated through Whova.
  • Main conference papers: can present for 20 minutes + 10 minutes for Q&A. Please keep to this timing! There will be session chairs helping out with the preparation of the presentation and the distribution of microphones to audience members.
  • Based on the information provided during registration we assigned all presenters to the right session. If you or one of your colleagues is not assigned to the correct session as speaker please send an email to
  • In every session there will be a CAISE22 volunteer available who will assist you with technical issues.
  • We kindly ask you not to bring your own laptop, but to bring your presentation on a USB-key, as a laptop will be provided in the lecture rooms. Changing laptops takes valuable time and might cause technical difficulties. Please note that there are no Mac computers available.
  • Supported presentation formats are PowerPoint (format 16:9) or PDF.If you need a remote to move slides you should bring it yourself. Presentations can be uploaded during the break (welcome coffee, coffee break, lunch) prior to your session in the room where your presentation will take place. Please use this time also to locate and present yourself to the chairs of you session. You can find the chairs of each session on the online program.
  • All authors of a presentation during the CAiSE’22 conference are asked to agree with the Copyright Transfer Terms and Licensing Policy in order to give their consent for recording of their presentation and publication afterwards.
    Please add the title of your presentation to the template document and sign the document as presenting author on behalf of all authors. The document has to be signed by a signature or a hand-written name. A typed name is not considered as a signature.
    Please send this signed document to by May 27, 2022 at the latest.
  • The whova platform also helps you to engage with your audience. It allows you to see who will attend your session, answer questions or even create a poll.

Instructions for Forum Presenters

  • All posters will be displayed for the whole duration of the conference at room MTC 00.03.
  • Please take our general guidelines into account:
    • Poster size = A0 (841 x 1189 mm, or 33,1 x 46,8 inches)
    • Poster orientation = portrait (Please note that a poster in landscape format will NOT fit on the panels). The panel size is 1m width and 2m height.
    • Attachment materials will be provided by us
    • We advise you not to laminate your poster, as this will complicate attachment
    • Be sure to include the following elements on your poster: 1) the title; 2) author names, affiliations and e-mail addresses
  • Poster should be brought to the conference and not mailed. We do not have any facilities to print your poster onsite.
  • Presenters are responsible for posting and removing their own materials. All posters should be attached to the correct panel on the first day of the conference, Wednesday, June 8 between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. On one of the poster panels, we will provide the list with poster numbers. Please look up your poster number, and attach your poster to the panel with the corresponding number.